
MJ Simmons

While attending school at the University of Montana over 30 years ago I stumbled into yoga.  I needed to add an elective to my schedule and could not find a Tia Chia class.  Needless to say I became impassioned with my yoga practice.

Twenty some years back yogi friends encouraged me to join them at an early Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park.  There I met and trained with Patricia Walden, Judith Lasater, Angela Farmer, Victor van Kooten, Rodney Yee, Shiva Rea, Ellis Browning Miller, Erich Schiffmann, Anthony Bogart.  Each of them inspired a deep love of yoga, to live in my body, mind & heart.

Here I am these many years later sharing my love & committment of this mindful centering lifestyle.  Being in touch with the teacher within.

Within the next few months I will be attending a certification training, "The Healing of The Heart" with Nischala Joy Devi a gentle restorative yoga focusing on serious illnesses.

I continue to study with as many yoga traditions as well as different teachers at every opportunity.

I have discovered emense joy in yoga and Yogis
I teach because I wish to share my love and offer a variety of themes mentioned below: 

Set a safe kind & loving environment for students to learn & stretch themselves.

Joy, enthusiastic, humorous - be in touch with the teacher within.

It’s a practice of poses centered around resting.

It is the use of props to support the body in positions of comfort and ease to facilitate health and relaxation.

What is Restorative Yoga 

Three things that Judith finds pervasive in our society: anxiety, anger, and depression. She believes that a lot of that stems from the fact that we completely reject the reality of loss. We are an under-grieved society and that comes from our fear of our feelings.

There is something spiritually profound about being still and watching your mind.

Lying on the floor and letting go, everyday for 20 minutes, is life-changing.

It has profound benefits and it’s so simple

A Spanish proverb says, “How beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards.” 

Emphasis put on being, not doing

Margaret Mead said, “Don’t forget you’re special, just like everyone else.”

May we live like the lotus, at home in the muddy water.

Yoga for Flexibly Challenged

This class is designed for anyone who enjoys yoga or is new to the practice. It will demonstrate detail in alignment using props such as bolsters, blankets and chairs.

The class will allow you take it easy and bring breath into the body. It has profound benefits and it’s so simple; the emphasis put on being, not doing.

“How beautiful to do nothing and then rest afterwards.” A Spanish proverb